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Wednesday 26 January 2011

Using Copyrighted Material

If you will be using copyrighted work such as a commercial DVD or song in your projects you have to comply with UK copyright law.  The University's copyright manager has provided the following guidelines:

Under the current Copyright law, (CDPA 1988) there are certain provisions permitting the copying of third party material by students.

In general anyone can only copy limited amounts under the 'Fair Dealing' provisions
            a) s.29 for research and private study (an insubstantial amount e.g. 1 chapter,
                                                                             one journal article or 5% of a work)
            b) s.30 for criticism or review i.e. quotes

Students can copy under additional Education provisions:
            S.32(3) For examination
Which permits doing  'anything' for the purpose of answering an examination question provided sufficient acknowledgement is given.
This includes coursework assignments provided the assessment counts towards the final grade i.e. summative.
            S.32(2) For Film study courses
                        Copyright in a sound recording, film or broadcast is not infringed by its being copied by making a film or film sound-track in the course of                   instruction, or of preparation for instruction, in the making of films or film sound-tracks, provided the copying—
                                    (a)is done by a person giving or receiving instruction, and
                                    b)is accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgement,
                        and provided that the instruction is for a non-commercial purpose.

However the work cannot then be used in any other way outside of the course or marking process i.e. exhibition, marketing, offered for sale or in private portfolios, without rights being cleared first.

So it is OK to use commercial work while you are a student so long as it is only for an assignment which will be marked by your tutors.  You will not be able to use that same work for any other purpose after that, including for your portfolio.

The most important thing is that you always provide an acknowledgement for the creator of the work in your credits and any supporting written work.

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